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Impco Cobra Vaporizer for Forklift

  • Stock #2253

The COBRA regulator is an upgrade to the IMPCO model “J”. It incorporates an improved primary seat and orifice that reduces the likelihood of failure due to freezing and contamination, the number one cause of the model “J” failure. The COBRA also includes a Flourosilicone secondary diaphragm that is more resistant to the heavy oils produced by heating LPG. Part number COBRA operates on the same principle as a model “J” with a primary pressure of 1.5 P.S.I., and a secondary pressure of -1.5″ W.C. COBRA may be used to replace the model “J” in any application. Repair kit RK-COBRA is available for servicing.

The IMPCO Cobra (Model J) Series converters deliver superior performance and excellent pressure output consistency throughout service life. Three vapor outlet pressures are available. Use of the standard blue secondary spring provides negative 0.37 kPa (-1.5 inches w.c.). The optional orange secondary spring provides negative 0.12 kPa (-0.5 inch w.c.) and the red secondary spring negative 0.05 kPa (-0.2 inch w.c.) output.


  • Fuel Type: LPG Liquid/Vapor
  • Maximum Inlet Pressure: 312 P.S.I. (21.51 Bar)
  • Minumum Inlet Pressure: 30 P.S.I. (207 kPa)
  • Nominal Outlet Pressure: -1.5″ W.C.
  • HP / kW: 100 HP (75 kW)
  • Operation Temperature Range: -40° F to +250° F (-40° C to to +121° C)
  • Fuel Filtration: 40 Micron
  • Heating Chamber Source: Required for liquid LPG
  • Mounting Position: Vertical recommended
  • Applications: Mobile, Stationary, Industrial, Automotive
  • Certification: U.L. (AU1502)

A converter thermostat is recommended for maximum performance and longevity of the converter.

IMPCO Cobra Parts Breakdown

IMPCO Model J Parts Breakdown

Impco Cobra Repair Kit  – Stock #2333

repair kit cobra