Enquiries: 604-421-3108 | Email: info@propanedepot.ca

Commercial Heater Services

F-150 heat cannon flagro

Heater Repair & Re-certification

Equipment repair

Safety Inspections




BC Mandatory Temporary Heater Decaling

BC Safety Standards Act - Construction Sites, Movie Sets, Rental Companies, Events

Gas Safety Regulation - includes amendments up to B.C. Reg. 150/2011, August 12, 2011)

Part 3 — Regulated Product Standards and Certification

No installation of gas appliances unless certified or approved

31 (1)  An appliance must not be installed in British Columbia unless the appliance displays a label or mark as follows:

(a) a certification mark;

(b) an approval mark issued under section 10 of the Act.

(2)  Subsection (1) does not apply to an appliance with a maximum input below 120 kW which is being reinstalled, but no appliance may be reinstalled unless it has been examined and repaired if necessary and certified to be in safe working condition by a gas fitter.

(3)  A person must not use a portable heater for temporary heating unless the heater bears a current decal, valid for 2 years, applied by a gas fitter certifying as to its safety and operation.


Propane Depot Auto Fill

Commercial Heater Decal